HRS4R  HR 01


The Human Resoruces Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) was created in 2008 by European Comission to support institutions in implementing the Charter and Code in their policies and practices. The attribute HR Excellence in Research identifies  institutions that promote a stimulating working environment and fair working conditions.

In March 2017, IDIAPJGol signed a letter of commitmment to the Charter & Code with the aim of implementing their policies and practices, wherever possible.

In May 2017, IDIAPJGol obtained the Endorsement of the "Charter & Code principles" and committment to the implementation of the HRS4R.

Once the approval was received, an HRS4R Committee of IDIAPJGol was created to carry out its own Organisational gap analysys and action plan with the objective to be recognised as a European research institute promoting a stimulating favorable work environment for research.

In June 2018, after our Action Plan was assessed, the European Commission awarded our Institution with the HRS4R accreditation, a quality recognition for the capacity to attract talented researchers, promote a favourable work environment and enhance the researcher career of our investigadors in a European framework. 

In December 2020, we sent an  internal review  to EURAXESS, along with our OTM-R policy, submitted for the interim assessment corresponding to the implementation phase we are currently in.


Members of HRS4R

Senior PI: Rafa Ramos
Senior PI: Francisco Martín
Junior PI (TT): Carolina Lapena
Post-doctoral investigator: Anna Berenguera
Pre-doctoral investigator: Lidia Guzmán
Staff technician - IDIAP core facilities: Elisenda Giralt
Administrative Staff member: Carmen Ibañez
Equality comission member: Marc Casajuana
Representative IDIAP Scientific Direction: Bonaventura Bolibar
Representative IDIAP Human Resources: Sandra Illan
Representative IDIAP Direction: Josep Basora
HRS4R Administrator: Laia Alvaro



Annual Reports


idiap 20anys edifici

Certification ISO 9001:2015

IDIAPJGol has held ISO 9001:2015 certification (ER-0821/2011) since 2011 for its activities supporting and advising research projects.


LOGO 2023 AENOR CALIDAD ISO 9001 300x252


Quality Policy

Josep Basora i Gallisà, Chief Director of IDIAPJGol, is committed to establishing and developing an effective quality policy within the management framework of the organisation. This policy aims to:

  • Create new, useful knowledge and evidence through the promotion, development and management of research in primary health care through research training and result dissemination.
  • Establish the IDIAPJGol as a leading institution in primary health care research facilitating the participation in internationally recognised research groups and the dissemination of results.
  • Maintain a commitment to equal opportunities and fairness policy for its employees, aiming to prevent, detect, manage, and resolve situations of sexual and psychological harassment and discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, and other factors
  • Comply with the agreements established with our stakeholders as well as with legal requirements and regulations.
  • Pursue continuous improvement in work processes.

Barcelona, December 30, 2020


Map of Procedures

This is the detailed information about the IDIAPJGol Map of Procedures

4.4 MAPA DE PROCESSOS IDIAP rev9 301222 2


List of Procedures 

Detailed list of IDIAPJGol procedures dow



Satisfaction Survey

To comply with the ISO 9001 Quality Certification requirements, an annual satisfaction survey is carried out with our clients.

Satisfaction Survey 2022  dow


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Pla estratègic 2021-2025



Som un Institut Universitari d’Investigació de referència en la recerca i la innovació a l’Atenció Primària i Comunitària. Treballem per identificar, acollir i promocionar els projectes més excel·lents i disruptius que desenvolupen els i les professionals de la salut, i perquè el valor que aporten es transfereixi a la societat i generi millores en la salut i el benestar de les persones.



 Volem que a nivell nacional i internacional es reconegui els professionals de l’Atenció Primària i Comunitària com un col·lectiu qualificat, líder i indispensable perquè la recerca i la innovació contribueixin a la millora contínua, la modernització i la transformació del sistema.


  • SENSIBILITAT per dedicar i orientar la nostra activitat vers les necessitats de salut i benestar que expressa la societat.
  • EXIGÈNCIA per garantir la qualitat i l’excel·lència del coneixement que aportem, des del rigor, la responsabilitat i l’esperit crític. Com un compromís amb l’efectivitat i l’eficiència que ens faci ser confiables, segurs i sostenibles.
  • CREATIVITAT perquè la curiositat, la passió i la il·lusió siguin els motors que impulsin els nostres professionals a innovar i generar valor; i per treballar en un entorn àgil on prevalguin el respecte i la confiança.


Línies Estratègies 

Impulsem  entre tots i totes la recerca en en Atenció Primària del futur.

12 línies estratègiques i 21 reptes definits en un procés col·laboratiu per arribar allà on vulguem estar.

Infografia Pla Estrategic IDIAPJGol


 Descarregueu el dossier 


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Strategic Plan 2021-2025



We are a leading university institute in community and primary care research and innovation. We work to identify, host, and promote the most excellent and ground-breaking projects developed by health professionals, so that the value they generate is transferred to society and leads to improvements in people's health and well-being.



We want community and primary care professionals to be recognised nationally and internationally as a skilled, leading and indispensable group, so that research and innovation contribute to the continued improvement, modernisation and transformation of the system.


  • SENSTIVITY , so that our activities are focused on and guided by the health and well-being needs expressed by society.
  • HIGHT STANDARS, to ensure the quality and excellence of the knowledge we bring, based on rigour, accountability and a critical spirit. A commitment to effectiveness and efficiency that makes us reliable, trustworthy and sustainable.
  • CREATIVITY, so that curiosity, passion and excitement are the engines that drive our professionals to innovate and create value; and to work in an agile environment where respect and trust prevail.


Strategic Lines 

Let us all promote research in the Primary Care of the future.


12 strategic lines and 21 challenges defined in a collaborative process to get to where we want to be.



Infografia Pla Estrategic IDIAPJGol EN


 Download the Information leaflet